Mohammad Ali Sarlak (born March 25, 1970, Iran) is a professor of organizational behavior management at Payame Noor University (PNU), and the former chancellor of this university as the largest public university in Iran.[1] He introduced the concept of the organization’s face for the first time in a multi volume reference book entitled The new faces of organizations in the 21st century.[2] Sarlak was honored by the Iranian house of humanities thinkers in 2019.[3]
- Ph.D: Organizational Behavior Management, University of Tehran, 2005.
- M.B.A: University of Tehran, 1995.
- B.S: Business Administration, University of Tehran, 1993.[4]
Much of prof. sarlak’s works concentrated on Advancing the boundaries of management knowledge. Some of his new ideas and conceptualizations are as follows:
- The organizational Rip currents[5]
- The Commotion–result Theory[6]
- Management by Reaction[7]
- The organizational Climate Inversion[8]
- The Behavioral Entropy[9]
- The organizational Life Expectancy[10]
- The chancellor of Payame Noor University (PNU) (2014–2015).
- The head of Post Graduate Center of Payame Noor University (2007–2018).\[1]
- A member of Executive Committee of AAOU (Asian Association of Open Universities) in 2015[11]
- A board member of Iranian Academy of Management sciences (2016).[12]
- A member of the Central promotion Committee of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (2015–present).[13]
- A member of the National Committee of UNESCO (2015–present).[14]
- The Establisher of a UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education[15]
- A member of policymaking and scientific council of Iran Inventions Grand Prize[16]
Journals Editor in chief
- Iranian journal of Management of public organizations [17](2013–present)
- International Journal of the Academy of Organizational Behavior Management, CANADA[18](2012–2014).
- International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI), IGI, USA (2010–2012).
Published books
- The New Faces of Organizations in the 21st Century (5 volumes), NAISIT, 2011, Canada
- E-Banking and Emerging Multidisciplinary Processes, IGI, 2011, USA
- Barriers of E-Commerce Acceptance in Export, Lambert, 2011, USA
- The Emerging Faces of Organizations in the 21st Century (4 volumes), Knowledge Reference Publisher, 2013, Iran
- The organizations in knowledge Era, Payame Noor Publisher, edition 2, 2012, Iran
- Advanced Management Information Systems, Payame Noor Publisher, second edition, 2011, Iran
- Healthy Organization in Practice, Knowledge Reference Publisher, 2014, Iran
- E-Government, Knowledge Reference Publisher, 2013, Iran
- Managing Organizational trauma, Mir Mah Press, 2016, Iran
- Trauma Management from Islam View point., Mir Mah Press, 2016, Iran
- The new era of management, (Richard L. Daft): Translated to Persian by Dr. Sarlak, Gostareh, Press, 2008, Iran
Research works
He has published over one hundred scientific papers[19] and directed more than 250 master’s thesis[20] and doctoral dissertations.