Famous books and articles in library

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 & other


Applied Meta-Analysis for Social Science Research – by Card Noel A. (2015), The Guilford Press; Annotated edition.


Buddhist Scriptures – by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. (2004), Penguin Classics; First Edition.


Case Study Research Designs and Methods – by Yin K Robert (2008), SAGE Publications, Inc; 4th edition.

Content Analysis: A Methodology for Structuring and Analyzing Written Material: PEMD-10.3.1 – by GAO (2013), BiblioGov.

Corporate Financial Accounting – by Warren Carl S., Reeve James M., Duchac Jonathan (2013), South-Western College Pub; 12th edition.


Doing Ethnographic and Observational Research – by Angrosino Michael (2008), SAGE Publications Ltd; 1st edition.

Doing Management Research: A Comprehensive Guide – by Thietart Raymond-Alain et al. (2001), SAGE Publications Ltd; 1 edition.


E-Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice – by Dave Chaffey (2010), Prentice Hall (4th Edition).

Entrepreneurship: successfully launching new ventures – by Barringer Bruce R, Ireland R Duane (2015), Pearson; 5th edition.

Entry Strategies for International Markets – by Root Franklin R. (1998), Jossey-Bass; 2nd edition.

Export-import theory, practices, and procedures – by Seyoum Belay (2014), Routledge; 3rd edition.


Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage – by Barney (1991), Journal of Management, 17 (March), p. 99-120. https://doi.org/10.1177/014920639101700108



How the Stock Market Works: A Beginner’s Guide to Investment – by Becket Michael (2014), Kogan Page; Fifth edition.

How to write a thesis – by Eco Umberto, Farina Caterina Mongiat, Farina Geoff (2015), The MIT Press.

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper – by Gastel Barbara, Day Robert A. (2016), Greenwood; 8th edition.

Human Resource Management – by Torrington Derek, Hall Laura, Taylor Stephen (2008), Ft Pr; 7th edition.


Interviewing As Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education And the Social Sciences – by Seidman Irving (2006), Teachers College Press; 3rd edition.

Introduction to Action Research: Social Research for Social Change – by Greenwood Davydd J., Levin Morten (2006), SAGE Publications, Inc; 2nd edition.



Kogut Bruce, Zander Udo (1992), “Knowledge of the Firm, Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of Technology“, Organization Science, Vol. 3, No. 3, Pages 301-441. https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.3.3.383


Logistics Management – by Sople V.V (2013), Pearson Education India; Third edition.


Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm – by Laudon Kenneth C., Laudon Jane Price (2020), Pearson; 16th edition.

Market entry strategies: Internationalization theories, concepts and cases – by Glowik Mario (2020), De Gruyter Oldenbourg; 3rd edition.

Marketing Management – by Philip T. Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller (2015), Pearson; 15th Edition.

Mastering Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (Pls-Sem) with Smartpls in 38 Hours – by Ken Kwong-Kay Wong (2019), iUniverse.

Microeconomics – by Pindyck Robert, Rubinfeld Daniel (2012), Pearson, 8th edition.


New Atlantis – by Francis Bacon (1927)


Observation Techniques: Structured to Unstructured – by Gillham Bill (2008), Continuum; Illustrated edition.

Of the Jealousy of Trade – by David Hume

Office Administration – by Eyre E. C. (1989), Palgrave Macmillan.

On Liberty – by Mill John Stuart (1860), 2 ed., London: John W.Parker & Son. ISBN 9781499238341.

Organizational Culture and Leadership – by Schein Edgar H. (2010), Jossey-Bass; 4th edition.


Performing Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS – by Meyers Lawrence S., Gamst Glenn C., Guarino A. J. (2013), Wiley; 1st edition.

Phenomenology of Perception: Theories and Experimental Evidence – by Carmelo Calì (2017), Brill.

Principles of Corporate Finance – by Brealey Richard A., Myers Stewart C., Allen Franklin (2020), McGraw-Hill Education; 13th edition.

Production and operations management – by KumarAnil, Suresh N. (2009), New Age International Pvt Ltd; 2nd Ed. edition.

Project Management in Practice – by Meredith Jack R., Mantel Jr. Samuel J., Shafer Scott M., Sutton Margaret M. (2017), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3th Edition.

Project Management: Theory and Practice – by Gary Richardson L, Jackson Brad M. (2018), Auerbach Publications; 3rd edition.


Quality Management for organizational excellence introduction to total Quality – by Goetsch David L. and Davis Stanley B. (2016), Pearson; 8th edition.

Questionnaire Design: How to Plan, Structure and Write Survey Material for Effective Market Research – by Brace Ian (2018), Kogan Page; 4th edition.


Raising the Value of Money – by John Locke

Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners – by Kumar Ranjit (2012), SAGE Publications Ltd; Third edition.

Retail Management: A Strategic Approach – by Barry Berman, Joel R Evans, Patrali Chatterjee (2017), Pearson; 13th edition.


Sales and Distribution Management: Decisions, Strategies, and Cases – by Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundliff, Normal A. P Govoni, Sandeep Puri (2017), Pearson; Sixth edition.

Some Considerations on the consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising of the Value of Money – by John Locke (1691), Marxists.

Statistics for Business & Economics – by Anderson David R., Sweeney Dennis J., Williams Thomas A. (2019), Cengage Learning; 14th edition.

Statistics with STATA: Version 12 – by Hamilton Lawrence C. (2012), Cengage Learning; 8th edition.

Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases – by David Fred, David Forest (2016), Pearson (16th Edition).

Structural Equation Modeling with Amos: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming – by Byrne Barbara M. (2016), Routledge; 3rd edition.

Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation – by Chopra Sunil, Meindl Peter (2014), Pearson; 6th edition.


Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians – by Kirkpatrick II Charles D., Dahlquist Julie R. (2015), FT Press; 3rd edition.

The Accidental Startup: How to Realize Your True Potential by Becoming Your Own Boss – by Babb Danielle (2009), Alpha.

The Communist Manifesto – by Marx Karl, Frederick Engels (1848),

The Consolation of Philosophy – by Boethieus (524)

The Economics of Business Enterprise: An Introduction to Economic Organisation and the Theory of the Firm – by Ricketts Martin (2002), Edward Elgar Pub; 3rd edition.

The Principles of Experimental Research – by Srinagesh K (2005), Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition.

The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process – by Michael J Crotty (1998), SAGE Publications Ltd; First edition.

The Functions of the Executive – by Barnard Chester I. (1938), Harvard University Press.

The Holy Quran

The New Testament

The Old Testament

The Republic – by Plato (375 BC)

The Theory of Moral Sentiments – by Smith Adam (2020), Kindle Edition.

The Trial and Death of Socrates – by Plato

The Varieties of Religious Experience – by William James (1902), Longmans, Green & Co.

The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business – by Chandler Alfred D. (1993), Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press.

The Wealth of Nations – by Smith Adam (1776). W. Strahan and T. Cadell, London.

Total Quality Management – by Poornima M. Charantimath (2017), Pearson; 3rd edition.


Understanding Management – by Daft Richard L., Marcic Dorothy (2009), South-Western College Pub; 8th edition

Using EViews for Principles of Econometrics – by Griffiths William E., Hill R. Carter, Lim Mark Andrew (2008), John Wiley & Sons; 3rd Edition.

Utilitarianism – by Mill John Stuart (1863), Parker, Son, and Bourn: London.



What is Property? – by Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1890), Humboldt Publishing Company




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